2.6.0 - 2025.02.10
Add search by measure for PBI
Fix Load Script Diff Editor issues
Optimise Gitoqlok for offline usage
2.5.9 - 2025.02.07
Improve License Key deactivation process
Fix Timeline for Soterre version in Time Machine and Diff Viewer
2.5.8 - 2025.01.15
Improved CSS color scheme for Dark Theme in Data Load editor
Fixed Soterre change timeline event behavior
Fixed sheet version display in Gitoqlok Diff Viewer over Soterre data
Fixed erroneous Soterre timeline table in Gitoqlok popup
Fixed CSRF token retrieval for QS November 2024 Patch 2
2.5.7 - 2024.12.17
Ability to choose commit in Deploy from Git
Ability to move app to Shared Space from Gitoqlok popup
Deploy from Git Ul fixes
Corrected Local Changes identification after creating a branch
Fixed Global Search behavior when searching for Qlik App names
Fixed Apps Manager behavior in Qlik Cloud
Fixed Collision detection behavior
Fixed Soterre timeline is not exposed to Gitoglok Diff Viewer
Update sheet state after merging to match the pre-merge state
2.5.6 - 2024.11.22
Environment Migration: Fix 403 CORS policy error on Import
Global Search: UI fixes
Ask Ai: fixes for Sheet name and Description
β Soterre Tab: Edit change Event fix
2.5.5 - 2024. 11.15
Global Search across DAX for PowerBI Web
Added OpenAI request confirmation modals
Fixed QSDA Calctime inconsistencies, added user notifications for not-existent and outdated QSDA inspections
Correct Application Manager behavior when deleting repositories from Git providers
2.5.4 - 2024.10.15
Improve Set Thumbnail (add color chooser for bg and font, improve screenshot taker)
Improve Global Search (for Soterre v3.0.0)
Global Search: enriched the searched fields with measure expressions and descriptions data
Soterre integration backward capability with v2.8.x
Correct filters order on the sheet during save/update process
2.5.3 - 2024.10.04
QDSA Pro Charts Deconstruction
Global Search fix
2.5.2 - 2024.09.19
Improve logging
Env Migration: fix Export/Import app issues
2.5.1 - 2024.09.11
Fix error logging
2.5.0 - 2024.09.07
Rolled back to previous version.
2.4.9 - 2024.09.07
Deploy From Git: import attached files before data reload
Commit attached files: skip attached file when file is unavailable
Environment Migration: fix repository creation error for Azure
2.4.8 - 2024.08.16
Qlik Automation versioning in Qlik Cloud
Option to avoid commit thumbnail files when App Objects is included
Simplified Gitoqlok first configuration Customer Journey
Improve Apps Manager UI
Fixed Bulk repository creation when using Apps Manager
Fixed Connecting app to existing repo branch with BitBucket-Server
Add ability to include .qvf file to the commit from the local changes tab
Prettified (URI decoded) links to the repository on main popup and app manager
2.4.7 - 2024.07.29
Improve logging into the log file
2.4.6 - 2024.07.27
Rolled back to previous version.
2.4.5 - 2024.07.23
Use single-file download function for fetching Bitbucket-server repository data
Adapt Gitoqlok Helper and Ask AI to the new SaaS User Interface
2.4.4 - 2024. 07. 15
Fix error when creating a repository in BitBucket
Show who duplicated the app in the collision detection message
2.4.3 - 2024.07.02
Choose apps to deploy from .qvf
Close Chrome Side Panel when switching tabs
Redirect QVD Lineage apps to the data load editor tab
Added Soberer βFind Changesβ button to QVD Lineage
Added Env filter for Global Search
Added Application Checklist for Power BI Web
Added checklist notification before publishing
Show error message when PAT is invalid
Fixed publish app from apps checklist
Fixed republish APP UI bug in Qlik SaaS
2.4.2 - 2024.06.18
Dark themes fix
Fix fetch newely added Bitbucket Cloud Workspaces
Global Search Page size and overflow fix
Add QVD Lineage button to the helper panel
2.4.1 - 2024.05.24
Fix Gitoqlok helper for Data Load Editor
2.4.0 - 2024.05.22
Fix ability to re-activate already activated license key
Deploy from git: add ability to choose .qvf file to deploy
Fix Options page rendering issues
Adapt Gitoqlok Helper and QVD links to the new Qlik SaaS markup
2.3.9 - 2024.05.07
No need to schedule a call to Request a Trial
Ability to deploy an app from qvf
Options page UI enhancements
Optimized large app Git versioning for GitHub and GitLab (use .zip file download)
Do not make a commit when creating a branch
Fix the Time Machine Freeze bug
Replace outdated links in the Default checklist
2.3.8 - 2024.04.23
Versioning for the SaaS Standalone Load Script app
2.3.7 - 2024.04.08
Add Private/organization checklist sharing promo
Fix link published app to repository
Key validation on save Soterre API key
Fix partial commit wrong behavior
Improve QSDA Pro interface
Improve logs for the Options page
Fix QSDA pro items UI for the App Checklist
2.3.6 - 2024.03.19
Application Checklist improvements
Soterre tab: add "Restore" button to the versions, improve UI
Allow to choose workspace/organization when creating project
Change delimiter for the user subfolder for private sheets on Qlik SaaS
Fix wrong commit behaviour for Bitbucket when 'max commit size' options is turned on for the partial commit
2.3.5 - 2024.03.01
Add private checklist sharing for organization
Add ability to Deploy application from GIT without creating a branch, improve deploy UI dialog
Fix auto-generation of commit message
2.3.4 - 2024.02.22
Fixed AskAI infinite loading
Fix Bitbucket conflicts due commit parts
Improve error message while updating published app
2.3.3 - 2024.02.16
Added ability to use Gitoqlok without GIT connection
Fixed ASK AI behavior
2.3.2 - 2024.02.13
Saving an app after reload for deploy from repository
Gitoqlok Options: Benefits page changes
2.3.1 - 2024.02.09
Fixed conflicts when merging branch from branch back for Bitbucke
2.3.0 - 2024.02.07
- Completely redesigned Soterre integration tab on Gitoqlok Popup
- Bitbucket Cloud: smart split-commit system: reduce commit time and avoid 400 Bitbucket error on large apps
- Fixed license activation after reinstall Gitoqlok
2.2.9 - 2024.02.02
- Forcing repository workspace selection for Bitbucket Cloud (since BitBucket stops creating personal workspaces since February 2023)
- Added ability to sort elements on a sheet to keep order
2.2.8 - 2024.01.22
- Fixed an issue when QSDA Pro would not load analyses
2.2.7 - 2024.01.17
- Join multiple parts of commit for the Bitbucket
- Reset repository cache on GIT provider change
- Fixed commit behavior when no objects chosen for the commit
- Fixed error on first commit with selected attached files to a new repository
2.2.6 - 2024.01.15
- Download repository archive for BitBucket
- Optimize Soterre integration (license check fixes)
- Fixed an issue that caused a selected commit to not display changes in Time Machine and Diff Viewer
2.2.5 - 2024.01.10
- Fix lost app thumbnail after Application update from the main branch after merge
2.2.4 - 2024.01.04
- Allow Bookmarks in update process
- Reduce errors on update published application
2.2.3 - 2023.12.20
- Use master application ID on application thumbnail path for the duplicated apps
- Do not apply "published" state of the application due update process to unpublished application
- Add "Reduce conflicts on merge pull requests" section to options page
2.2.1 - 2023.12.14
- Add creation date of the last analysis in the Application Checklist
- Fix order of items in filterpane on update commit
- Auto-split Bitbucket large commit
2.2.0 - 2023.12.4
- Added option to disable display of organization selection window when creating a repository
- Fix trial extending from options page
- Remove Cyber Monday dialog
2.1.9 - 2023.11.27
- Fix getting thumbnails from QMC content library
2.1.8 - 2023.11.25
- Remove temporary Gitoqlok objects from commit/update process
- Change Gitoqlok description in Chrome Web Store
- Fix wrong free repositories count when no license is using
2.1.7 - 2023.11.22
- Add Application Checklist
- Add ability to use Original Application ID in sheet thumbnail URLs when committing to the branch
- Fixed error "Variable already exists" when updating to a commit
- Fixed floating Env Migration errors
- Fixed wrong local changes detection when using branch
- Fixed highlighting of changes in the diff viewer
2.1.6 - 2023.11.06
-Fix possible commit issue on large Qlik Apps
2.1.5 - 2023.11.03
-Gitoqlok Helper: fix Time Machine behaviour
2.1.4 - 2023.11.02
- Remove "_gitoqlok" tab from load script
2.1.3 - 2023.10.26
- Fix QSDA Pro validation on options page
2.1.2 - 2023.10.25
- Fixed default bookmark apply on open app
- Helper: Fixed "Current" point on the time machine diff viewer
2.1.1 - 2023.10.20
- Env migration: Fix fetch Task Event error
2.1.0 - 2023.10.16
- Added ability to override master item instead of import
- Added search field for imported sheets
- Added Log file process to the options page
- Diff Viewer optimization: reduced resource consumption
- Time Machine and Diff Viewer: group commit list by committer
- Fixed a deployment issue with broken thumbnails
- Fixed env migration errors due fetch content from Qlik Server
2.0.30 - 2023.09.12
- Interface changes for unused master items
- Show connected sheet to a master object in the Business Glossary
- Hide tag manager tryout
- Improve license benefits
- Fixed repo creation process in the App Manager for organizations
2.0.29 - 2023.09.06
- Fixed serialization error of custom themes
- Fixed Tag Manager UI issues
2.0.28 - 2023.09.02
- License key validation with fingerprint
- Glossary tab to popup with list of term links for Qlik SaaS
- Sheet tags (Publish sheets when publishing an app if intended in Qlik Cloud)
2.0.27 - 2023.08.16
- Add Dev and Prod build nconfigs for vite build for Vue.js
- Fix migrating old settings in case when Gitoqlok updates jump through a few versions
2.0.26 - 2023.08.10
- Added serialization of Business Glossary
- Manual license deactivation added
2.0.25 - 2023.08.07
- Application Manager available on the options page
- Fix save/load options issues
- Fix linking repository on copies of published apps
2.0.24 - 2023.08.02
- Options page: Fixed Bitbucket Server connection error
2.0.23 - 2023.07.23
- Diff Viewer: broken layout when merging new chart into current sheet
- Qlik SaaS: error due commit when no load script available
- Qlik SaaS: error on popup when no permission to get attached files
- Navigation buttons for new user on Options Page
- Removed
- Soterre auto-discover
2.0.22 - 2023.07. 14
- Applications Manager: Bulk repository creation
- Highlighted unused master items
- Documentation Wizard prompt customization in Options
- Autofill server API URL when adding profile
- "Set Default" button for OpenAI prompts on options page
- "Current State" time point to the enhanced Time Machine timeline
- Fixed "Save QVF every commit" for Qlik SaaS and Qlik Enterprise servers in compliance with CORS policy
- Fixed error for Deploy From Git with irrelevant bookmark fields
- Fixed commit with only Attached Files selected
- Improve UI on organization selection when creating a repository
- Fixed bug with select sheets for Documentation Wizard.
- Use local storage instead of synchronizable
2.0.21 - 2023.06.29
- Documentation Wizard: Ask AI helper
- Improved Timeline in Time Machine and Diff Viewer
- Fixed thumbnail assistance when set thumbnail from another sheet opened
2.0.20 - 2023.06.22
- Add ability to choose workspace due repository creation
- Qlik SaaS: improve app and sheet owner detection
- Improve loading UI
- Improve collision detection for the copies of duplicated published application
- Add counter for Ask AI uses requests on options page
2.0.19 - 2023.06.10
-Options Page CSS fixed
-Fixed bug with Static Files
-Fixed bug after saving AskAI prompts
2.0.18 - 2023.06.08
-Add "Call for Ideas" survey
-Ask AI: Added prompt customization
-Fixed OpenAI
-Fixed QSDA Pro tab
2.0.17 - 2023.06.05
-Redesigned options page
-Added ability to include static files to commit
-Added notifications on failed connections to Soterre
-Added documentation link to Qlik Helper tooltip
-Fixed fonts for Load Editor Dark Theme
2.0.16 - 2023.05.13
- OpenAI Integration: "Ask AI" buttons to instantly generate AI-powered titles and descriptions
- QVD links: redirecting into the Data Load Editor
- Env Migration: fix error on fetch custom theme that contains .git folders
- Fix error due Deploy From Git process
- Fix QSDA Pro authorization
- Fix detect Soterre licensing for Qlik Helper
- Fixed floating "Request aborted" error due application update process
2.0.15 - 2023.04.27
Fix erroneous local changes detection
2.0.14 - 2023.04.15
Fix wrong detection of copy of copied Qlik application
Fix QVD links behavior
Fix floating Env migration auth error
Add ability to include to the commit exported .qvf file
2.0.13 - 2023.04.11
Added serialization of Custom Themes
Fixed QVD links position when changing a line of code
Fixed merging empty values in Diff Viewer
2.0.12 - 2023.04.04
Potential collision detection (Soterre)
Autodetect Soterre if installed on current Qlik server
Soterre versions to the Time Machine diff viewer
Dates to QSDA Pro analysis list
Mask all tokens on options page
2.0.11 - 2023.04.01
OpenAI survey
2.0.10 - 2023.03.26
Fixed problem with Qlik Desktop infinite loading in the popup window
2.0.9 - 2023.03.17
New repo-liking system for Qlik application copies
2.0.8 - 2023.03.13
Feature to parse QVD application links from variables in Data Load Editor
Dark Theme for Data Load Editor
Read-only mode for public sheets in Time Machine Diff Viewer
QSDA Pro integration
License benefits: Options page
Gitoqlok's popup in QMC
Fixed error on Environment Migration when user has no access to all objects
Fixed error due save Soterre options
Fixed error on Deploy From Git
Hide "Activate" button on License page after success activation
2.0.7 - 2023.02.09
Fixed error due save Soterre options
2.0.6 - 2023.02.08
Fixed Deploy application from Repository error
Added clear/deactivate button for license keys
2.0.5 - 2023.01.31
- Fixed missing checkboxes in the import load script
- Add License management
- Fix flowing error with commit to Github
2.0.4 - 2023.01.20
- Fix erroneous cleaning Use specified project option after switch out and then back using left menu
- Fixed broken application linking to an existing repository branch
- Added application names when importing scripts from projects
- Hide git tokens on options page
2.0.3 - 2023.01.12
Add ability to reload data on Deploy From Git (field properties and bookmarks will be deployed)
Local Changes: show changed Field properties
Added ability to attach different apps to one branch
Fixed a bug when split commit didn't work correctly
Propose to disable JSON formatting for large commits
Improve Time Machine performance
Fix commit Sheet thumbnails
Removed the erroneous appearance of the Gitoqlok Helper when clicking on add sheet button
2.0.2 - 2022.12.22
Add Task Chain tool
Time machine: prevent jump to commit if the sheet is not created by Sheets Comparator
Added visualization merge to the Diff viewer
Added phone number field for trial licenses
License key activation now shows remaining uses
Increased Gitoqlok popup width
Added ability to split commit by size in MB
New links to Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
Fix Deploy from Git errors
Fix split commits for existing thumbnails
2.0.1 - 2022.12.06
Company name prefill in Calendly widget
Fixed repository creation for Azure and AWS
Fixed license check when Soterre is configured but unavailable
Fixed fetch gitoqlok-lib repositories from GitHub when using different GIT provider
Fixed wrong behavior after unlinking the Qlik Application from Project Repository
Improved user input for the Soterre hostname on the options page
Time Machine timeline: do not group small commits count
Removed the GitoqlokMetadata variable from local changes and commit content
2.0.0 - 2022-11-30
Enable Paywall Licenses
Remove redundant information from log
NPS survey is now shown after 10 days of use
Added app links for QVD files in Data Load Editor DiffMode
Added "Refresh" button to the Local Changes tab
Fix bug with case-sensitive links for QVD
Fix wrong Other commits link on Time Machine
1.9.90 - 2022-11-28
Remove redundant information from the log
NPS survey is now shown after 10 days of use
Added app links for QVD files in Data Load Editor DiffMode
Added "Refresh" button to the Local Changes tab
Fix bug with case-sensitive links for QVD
Fix wrong Other commits link on Time Machine
1.9.89 - 2022-11-18
Cache to Local Changes tab
Open the ETL app by clicking on the QVD file in Data Load Editor
Repositories number survey
Improve performance of: The options page, Deploy App, Import Data Connections, Data Load Editor Diff, Sheets Comparator
Fixed the wrong number of commits on a collapsed timeline in TimeMachine
Fix many issues on the Project applications popup and Gitoqlok Helper
1.9.88 - 2022-11-10
Qlik SaaS: fix Projects workflow for insufficient user permissions
1.9.87 - 2022-11-08
Gitoqlok Helper: "Set a screenshot" button
Gitoqlok Helper Time Machine: timeline of commits into groups by month
Replace operation on "Move App" and "Deploy App" tools: red warning message
Time machine Diff Viewer Merge: "Select all" checkbox, improved UI
Qlik SaaS: repository information if a repository exists for the app, but the user has no access to it
Qlik SaaS: allow the non-owner user to create a repository for an app if it is not created yet
Soterre Integration
Fix Time Machine and Diff Viewer for the Qlik SaaS private sheets
Fix Projects workflow issues for the Qlik SaaS and Qlik Enterprise
Fix the wrong appearance of the Gitoqlok Helper for sheets when clicking on the sheet thumbnail
Fix GitHub secondary rate limit error on apps with a big amount of objects
Fix UI trash after Sheets Comparator helper on/off
Fix Create repository for the Gitlab
"Replace App" feature from Deploy App From Git for Qlik SaaS
Time Machine and Diff Viewer: fix wrong free space detection for not rectangular objects, add them to the end of the sheet
Load Editor Diff: Keep selected branch on change script section, improve performance
1.9.86 - 2022-10-21
Here is whatβs new in Version 1.9.86 of Gitoqlok!
Gitoqlok Helper: Compare Sheets
Now you can compare sheets when working in a collaborative mode.
Integrated with Time Machine and Diff Viewer
You can now use the sheets comparator to see changes in your Qlik Sense app sheets after your teammate has committed their work. When your collaborator saves changes on the branch of your application, you can apply the Time Machine or Diff Viewer to see the differences visually.
Diff Viewer: added
There is now an ability to merge/import Sheet Visualizations from different versions and branches. You can now make merges using the Table difference mode or do it manually in JSON split editor.
Set a thumbnail: added
The separation line between the main content and the description of your thumbnail is now draggable.
Save Changed behavior
Commit large objects to GitHub
1.9.85 - 2022-10-13
Whatβs new in the 1.9.85 release of Gitoqlok?
The release features several updates including:
Import function Changed interface (includes grouping of sheets and email), duplication of added objects;
Commit function All sheets participation (both public and private);
Update function No more manual manipulations when updating public sheets;
Deploy function Deploying only public sheets from the repository.
All done for our userβs best experience and ease to use! Try it out and do not hesitate to share your experience.
Projects behavior errors
Improved projects UI
Import UI
Import errors
0.5.0 - 2020-06-04
Master visualizations importing with selected sheets
Imports Variables that link with selected sheets
Sheet thumbnail assistant added
Organizations repositories supporting now
0.3.0 - 2020-05-30
Sheets importing
Bug with load script disappearing before update.
"App already opens in different mode" error fixed
0.2.1 - 2020-05-28
Fully BitBucket supports.
Public and private repositories with "gitoqlik-lib" topic available for import and sharing.
"Always one selected value" option added to the visualization process.
Invalid date in README.MD bug fixed.
0.1.0 - 2020-05-19
Import code snippets from different repositories in your app.
Dataconnection excludes from the serialization process.
Autodocumentation in a repository. List of sheets with description.
Last updated
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