Application Checklist

Streamline your Power BI experience and ensure the highest standards of performance before releasing applications to production.

Conveniently accessible in Chrome Side Panel Application Checklist provides a holistic approach to performing the checkup of application compliance to the best pre-deployment practices.

v2.4.3 Gitoqlok provides Application Checklist feature for Power BI Web users. Let us know how Gitoqlok can ease your Power BI working routine beyond.

In the Power BI Web report edit mode, you can find the Application Checklist button from Gitoqlok:

Gitoqlok for PBI: Application Checklist

The landing page displays the list of Pre-deployment checklists, that are visible to every Power BI user.

You can find the Default Checklist by Gitoqlok, where our team has gathered some of the best practices and recommendations for Qlik developers to review before deploying an application.

Each checklist is formatted to represent the hierarchical view: Section -> Item -> Description. You can mark each checklist item as completed. Once each item within the checklist is marked as done the section highlights green:

Apps Checklist for PBI: using checklist

To open the links in the description press Ctrl + click on the link.

Create custom checklist

On the Application Checklist landing page find the "add" button. In the creation mode, you can enter your checklist components. Make sure to write up concise item names and neat descriptions.

You can add more sections and items within sections. Drag and drop sections at your convenience.

Click "Save" to save your custom checklist locally. This action makes your custom checklist visible to you only.

Apps Checklist for PBI: creating checklist

Alternative: video tutorial

Last updated