Usage Management
Monitor the activity of your Qlik app with Usage Management in Side Panel.
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Monitor the activity of your Qlik app with Usage Management in Side Panel.
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Usage Management helps Qlik Developers and Managers track the usage statistics of apps and Qlik Sense Server and Qlik Cloud tenant. You can manage the license utilization on your server, look up how many unused apps there are on a server/tenant, learn more about the app activity.
You can find this feature in Gitoqlok's context menu. Right-click on the extension icon in your browser or find three dots icon near Gitoqlok in extensions list. Find "Usage Statistics".
Usage Management employs your Qlik Activity Log data as well as Git repository data. Navigate to your app and find Usage Management feature. The first open of this feature will take some time to load the Qlik Activity log data. Next visits will be faster since the data is going to be cached.
A green block provides high-level info:
Actuality of your application version. This suggest employs the Git repository data. "You are X versions behind the latest app version" OR "Your app is up to date..."
License utilization coefficient. This suggest employs the Qlik Activity Log data. "You only have X% of license utilization"
Suggestion on unused apps. This suggest employs the Qlik Activity Log data. "This app has not had any development activity for the last X weeks/days..."
Below you could see a more refined app data:
Created, last reloaded, and last visited dates
Last modified date (user and date)
The number of unique users based on sessions in current app
Learn how Analytics Asset Management app can help you to investigate, archive, and delete unused items.
Scroll down to see the chart revealing the App views across a chosen period. Compare the app usage across custom ranges in this chart to assess the app utilization.
Git repository activity is available only if the app you're looking at has a Git repository.
Repository creation date (date and user)
Repository visibility (private vs public)
Commit activity Last commit made by...
The amount of unique contributors to the repository. Contributor is a Git user who has made at least on commit to the repository.
Usage Management employs your Qlik Activity Log data. Navigate to your Qlik Sense Hub or Qlik Cloud overview and find Usage Management feature. The first open of this feature will take some time to load the Qlik Activity log data. Next visits will be faster since the data is going to be cached.
Don't switch the tabs for a faster load.
A green block provides high-level info:
Amount of unused apps based on app sessions. This suggest employs the Qlik Activity Log data. "Consider X apps for reduction"
Storage info. This suggest employs the Qlik Activity Log data. "Unused apps take up X GB of your memory"
License utilization coefficient. This suggest employs the Qlik Activity Log data. "You only have X% of license utilization"
Below you could see a more refined app data:
Amount of unused apps on a server/tenant
Amount of app copies on a server/tenant
Active users on a server/tenant
Below you can see two graphs: Apps usage distribution and User activity graph.
Apps usage distribution x-axis: Usage (based on how many times the app has been opened) y-axis: Number of apps
User activity graph x-axis: Usage (based on Qlik sessions) y-axis: Number of users
Learn how Analytics Asset Management app can help you to investigate, archive, and delete unused items.